Visual Literacy

This was a project for our new 7th period class. Our project was to make a word out of pages in a book. This style of art was created by Isaac Salazar. What we had to do first was find a word, then print out a layout of the word from Photoshop. From there we found a book big enough for our word and start folding. What we had to do was fold pages to match the layout of our word. This project was a great example of visual literacy because after it was done it showed a word that meant something to us and displayed it for many people to see.

The first book I did I put Pi. I did this word as a reference to math my favorite subject and to refer to pie my favorite food and word to say. The font that I chose looked really fancy. I also chose an old math textbook to display my word. This took me about two weeks to do and in this book I folded around 275 pages. After that one I made another book of a unicorn because their my favorite mythical creature. It took only about a week to do and I folded around 250 pages. I am also about to start on my third book. I think its going to take me a long time because I have to fold around 500 pages.

I think my two books turned out really well. The pie was my best I think. My table partner also made a unicorn as well and we put them side to side and it looks good too. If I could go back I would make my folds more exact. Well I'm starting on making the American flag and that hopefully is going to look good. But if I was to make another book it would be of a cool car or something like that. I would chose that because I like cool cars and it would be cool if I could make one in my book.

Movie Poster Promo

 What overall impact did the layer effects & filters you used have on your finished movie poster?

In our movie poster you will see the main character, Bill and the second primary character Cop DJMax. What I'm thinking of doing is showing Bill holding on to a cliff and having Cop DJMax above him on the cliff.  It represents all the tasks that bill has to go through. Its going to be positioned in an unusual angle with the camera looking up to Bill. Its going to make the movie look interesting and unusual.

The title of our movie is Plane Ride Home and it is the biggest text in the  poster. Also it states the actors, reviews and the date it comes out. To help make our text look good we use the kerning effects on it. Kerning is the process of changing the spacing between letters to make the text look how you want it. We use it to make our text look better an more pleasing.