HDR Photography

HDR stands for high-dynamic-range imaging. It is a set of techniques used by photographers to capture a more detailed image with  a greater dynamic range. Its a good technique used to make a picture more detailed and vibrant. I like taking HDR images because they turn out better then normal pictures. They have more detail and have a lot of color in them.

The first step to creating an HDR photo is to find a great spot to take the image and making sure that you are taking the picture at the best time. Second is to take the several pictures needed by starting at -3 exposure and going up by one all the way up to +3 exposure. Next you have to upload the pictures to your computer. From there open up PS5.5 and Merge to HDR Pro. And fine tune your image in Camera Raw.

For my experiment image I chose to take it of my sister in her room. It was a little difficult because there wasn't enough light and when ever I tried to take the picture it would turn out really red and pink. In the end I was able to take good pictures and was able to make this.
I also did a landscape HDR image right outside of my school at dawn. The pictures turned out great with the sun rise in the background.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your HDR landscape photo is amazing! Great rule of thirds as well.

  3. I think your text layover and the surrealism of the landscape is well done, but you could've worked more on the rule of thirds.

  4. I like how the colors in the sky stand out. Your subject could be better matched with the colors but great rule of thirds!

  5. Good job. I like the background. Work on making it more surreal.

  6. love the landscape and also the person and i also love the blogs

  7. Nice text layer effects, rule of thirds. Great overall job!

  8. I really like the colors and effects, surrealism and the background especially!

  9. I LOVE the experiment photo !! Great job on the rule of thirds and the surreality!

  10. I absolutely love the colors of your sky! Very surreal, great layer effects, and you can tell you spent quite a bit of time working on refining your edge. One thing to fix next time could possibly be making your text a bit bigger, however, I think it still looks great how it is.

  11. Your Rule of Thirds is awesome, and your text is just amazing! (O.O THE SKY IS AWESOME)

  12. Great job, I really like the sky in the background. One thing you can improve is make the word a little larger, so it pops out at you more.

  13. Great job on turning in your SuperImpose! The surrealism needed just a tad of work however the overall effect is overwhelming. Great job and keep it up!

  14. Great Experiment and Landscape Maceo, really impressive Superimpose :D.

  15. Your word definitely catches my eyes. Maybe try lighten up your landscape. Overall it's very good.

  16. I love all your images.
    next time get your portrait more focused.
    You did a great job with the writeing.

  17. I like how the text really matches your photo and how you put her in the lower thirds. Good job.

  18. Good job! Good use of rule of thirds. All of your colors work well together.

  19. Your cut out quality is amazing, and your focal point is within the rule of thirds. I can clearly see the custom layer effects on the text, great job on that. Your overall image is surreal as well.

  20. I like all the colors in the sky that add the the surrealism in your landscape.

  21. Awesome blog! I like how you placed your text and subject.

  22. Great job. Love your backgrund and your photo. Considering that your photos have a completely different lightings it looks amazing!

  23. I like the colors in the landscape photo and great rule of thirds
