Our Animation Story

Our focus statement is ''friend solve conflict". Our focus statement is about a friend that solves a problem between two friends. Our focus statement tells our story because our stories is about a team that has a argument. But in the end one of the friends solves the problem and they come back together and win the competition. So our focus statement fits perfect in our story.

Theres is two lessons that you can learn from our story. One lesson is that fighting never solves a problem, and that one person can solve a conflict.  In our video it shows two friends fighting and then they get mad at each other and one team member leaves. After the team member leaves another friends goes after her and solves the problem and they get back together and win the competition.

Some of the best moments as a team for me was at the end when we turned in our video on time. I also liked when we did the critique and I saw the video and my team did a good job on the editing. Some of the bad moments was at the beginning of the project.  Our team didn't know what to do and we kept tossing around ideas and nothing was working. In the end I had to pretty much do the whole pitch sheet last minute. 

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